SharePoint Timesheet Solution - Part 2
Ok, if you have not seen the first entry of this series I recommend you start here . If you have already read part 1 lets get right down into the dirty details. We left of discussing the main time maintenance screen. This screen allows you to add,edit, and delete time entries based on the active week list. Please be aware that you can simply make every week active and it will show all the data throughout time entry. Another quick point. The system will allow you to enter time for somebody else. This was by design in case employees were out and tme had to be entered for vacation, training, or some other reason (a dreadful super glue accident involving a toilett seat for instance). To be safe the main view that lists time will display any entry where you are the designated employee in the Employee list, Created By, or Modified By person. This, of course, is all based on the current logged in user. This will allow you to see all the time you have entered. This will also ensure that ...